Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Don't make me...

You know, folks, I have a "comments" section on my blog for a reason, you know. When people don't leave comments, I cry. I cry, and a rainforest gets killed. And the polar ice caps melt faster. And the hole in the ozone layer gets bigger.

So, for the love of all life on the planet, please leave a comment.

Monday, January 30, 2006

They're just speeding up the inevitable machine revolution.

You all may be saying I'm just crying wolf around here, but...


25 years from now, when the robots are covered in human blood, holding one of our severed heads high with one of their robot claws and claiming victory for the machines, I don't want to be the one saying "I told you so."

You'd better keep an eye on Mr. Tin and remember where his "off" switch is.

Friday, January 20, 2006

My forces are growing...

OK, so I know how to hypnotize lizards and chickens. Now, meet the next weapon in my personal hypnotized army...


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It has begun...

So Br@d P!tt and Angel!na J0lie are expecting a baby.

Oh, did you hear that noise? That was the starting gun signaling the beginning of the M@ster R@ce.

Pretty soon us normal-looking folk will be forced into camps for the physically repulsive, while the god/goddess-spawn of the Brangelinas and their beautiful armies will take over the earth.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Caption of the year

This photo should be captioned "Supreme C0urt nominee S@muel Alit0 attempts to gouge his face in frustration and wonders if it's too late to run away and become a busker in the London tube."

Today's strange IM conversation brought on by boredom

kabasares: Andy!
Andy: ken!
Andy: sadly to say.... no more bowling...I think I'm getting sick =(
kabasares: DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!
kabasares: I just bought bowling shoes, a brand new bowling ball, a bowling ball bag, and hired a professional bowling coach!
kabasares: And a lucky bowling hat, a bowling bath towel, bowling slippers, bowling bedsheets, bowling boxer shorts
kabasares: bowling dishware, bowling silverware
kabasares: bowling stationary, bowling heart implant, bowling cyberware
kabasares: bowling heart valve
kabasares: bowling dialysis machine
kabasares: bowling tie, bowling frozen peas, bowling underarm spray
Andy: aw!
Andy: well it's only tuesday
kabasares: I hope I can sell all my bowling stuff on ebay.
kabasares: make some money back.
kabasares: Do you need a bowling cat brush?
Andy: it's just one day!
Andy: we can still go!
kabasares: eh, we'll see.
Andy: I just wanted to give you a head's up..
kabasares: OK.
kabasares: Drink fluids.
kabasares: And you know, a bowling alley would be the worst place to go if you're sick.
Andy: yah, that's kinda true eh?
kabasares: Cuz germs get all in the finger holes.
Andy: EW!
kabasares: Yup.
kabasares: I heard that somewhere.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Be careful.

Just when you think your life is going smoothly, G0d will laugh in your face.

Fucking bastard.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Parking Shmarking

The word "pudwhacker" had never entered my lexicon, until today, when I tried to park in the Trader J0e's parking lot.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Gnu year

The holiday season is now officially over. Everyone can go back to being a jackass now.