Hi. This being my last week in Tucson, Arizona, I have decided to do real touristy stuff before I leave. I was too busy before to do too much touristy things, but now I have time. Today I went to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, which is a great museum dedicated to the wildlife in the Sonora desert.

This is a fossilized ground sloth poop. Yes. I am not a liar. Ground sloths are prehistoric creatures, and here is its poop.

This here is a real life big-ass cat. It might be a cougar or something. I was too excited to look at the name. That's my hand, and it looks a lot bigger than the cat, but believe me, my hand is really small. I am not lying.

This is a beaver that is not dead. It is asleep. I saw it breathe. I am not lying.

On the way back home, there was this scenic rest stop with these awesome views of the valley. I climed up the top of this hill that had this little sitting area. It was really, really cool.
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