That is, it didn't bother me until this piece I opened a few minutes ago.
The wrapper read: "The wind tells a story, listen."
The offending evidence:

OK, not only is that a STUPID, neo-hippy-new-agey thought, it's got TERRIBLE PUNCTUATION. There's a comma where a period or other END PUNCTUATION belongs. NOT A FUCKING COMMA. Correct grammer would read "The wind tells a story. Listen." Or, "The wind tells a story? Listen!" Or, "The wind tells a story! Listen!" Not a comma, you dickweeds, an end punctuation. Hey, here's a good example of using a comma - "FUCK YOU, DOVE!"
It made me so mad, I had to eat four more chocolates, even though my cholesterol is high. I ate them not because I was hungry or had a sweet tooth, but out of ANGER at DOVE. And to read some other lame sayings that were correctly puctuated, just to get the stupid punctuation mistake out of my head.
Fuck you, Dove.
I love your chocolates.
Fuck you anyway.
You know, I haven't actually checked any punctuation books, so I may be entirely wrong. But whatever. It looks wrong. And if I'm wrong, then Dove is wrong for printing stupid shit on their labels.
I don't like those 'facts' Snapple has on their bottle caps either!
Technically speaking, it's a poor formation of a sentence and, likely, would be better punctuated the way you're saying. Better formation for the sentence they've formed would be, "Listen, the wind tells a story." That way, the sentence wouldn't be passive, it would be more active. "The wind tells a story. Listen," is better, grammatically, cause it uses an active, command form for the verb "to listen".
Also, you spelled grammar right in your tag but wrong in your post. Luckily, there is no correlation between spelling skills and relative intelligence. I don't know the stats about grammatical formative skills, though.
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