Thursday, June 27, 2002

If you don't like the "one nation under God" part of the pledge of allegiance, then don't say it. I won't. But, at the same time, don't treat the ones who don't say it like they were un-patriotic antichrists. If I don't say "under God," am I still patriotic? Hell yes and don't piss me off. I don't know if there is a God, so why would I want our country unified by something I'm not sure exists?

On a completely different note, I am almost positive that my body doesn't fuction until 10am at the earliest. No matter how much sleep I get, I can't get up before that hour. Why must we fight the natural rythms of our body? My body says get up any time after 10am, take a half-hour nap sometime before 3 and 5pm, go to sleep between 1 and 3am. Constantly snack all day, with several larger "meals" in between. Have sex or masturbate when horny (these days, it's mostly the latter). That's what my body says and I'm not going to ignore it. Except that there's these things called "jobs" which keep me from doing what my body actually wants.

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