Monday, July 08, 2002

Helleeewwww. I'm not catholic anymore, but here's what I wanna do...I'm gonna make little hard candy crosses and sell them in packs and call them "Jesus Saviors" Life Savers, but they save your soul!

I think I got cock-blocked the other night a party. I say "I think" because after I backed off, I thought, maybe the guy was just her friend? And then it was time to go home. Is it possible to cock-block yourself? On accident?

I finally got a yo-yo. I had to buy it online because no one sells yo-yos any more. Does that make me a freak? That I actually spent time LOOKING for a YO-YO? But now I have one and I am as giddy as a schoolgirl. Yo-yos are fun. I guess it would be like dribbling a ball over and over again. I forgot how easy it is to bonk yourself in the head with a yo-yo. Man, that smarts.

The Forth of July was fun, I guess. I sang happy birthday to the USA, but I was not about to spank it 226 times.

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