Monday, March 05, 2007


I just ate a big thing of yogurt parfait. I hope I dont get the poots.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I am Superman.

Last night we had our "first" rehearsal. But I'm not going to write about rehearsal, really. I want to talk about my health, because I've been fighting this congestion/sneezy/coughy thing for the past few days, and I don't like it. I don't like it for several reasons:

A) I like to think of myself as more than human, and petty things like colds and sniffles shouldn't knock a guy down.
B) I *just* finished a four-week physical therapy treatment for my shoulder (trapeze injury - a different story), and I was feeling like "hooray for me! I'm physically fit!" *cough* *cough* "...uh-oh."
C) I really want to get started singing in rehearsals.

So, a few days ago, when I started feeling a little congesty/sneezy/sniffly, I IMMEDIATELY took action. Which is to say, I started taking those zinc lozenges, Emergen-C packets, LOTS of herbal tea (I'm peeing like the all-mighty Mississippi river - I'm surprised my toilet hasn't just said "Aren't you DONE yet?")

Also, and this may seem weird, especially since I'm not really a new-agey, alternative medicine (or any kind of medicine...I don't even take aspirin) kind of guy, but I talk my body into being healthy. I pretty much say "all right, cells, let's get to work and kick this virus thing right in the motherf***ing BALLS." And it pretty much works. It really does. Whatevs. It works, so fuck off.

I also try to eat good stuff, like more leafy veggies, fruits, stuff like that. Only thing is, sometimes an overabundance of plant material can give me gas. I'd love to eat some yogurt too, but that gives me the poots as well. That's alright, though. We're in rehearsal, and actors get all chummy with each other, so everyone should be comfortable with my gas, right? If not, I'll just blame it on Blythe. Simple. Love me, love my gas is what I say. But we're safe for now, because the gas hasn't attacked.

As for now, I can say that I'm putting up a real good fight. I've been getting my sleep, and monitoring how I feel. And I've kept this thing from blowing up into a full blown cold or flu, so hooray. Hopefully I won't be gassy.