Friday, October 31, 2003

Another open letter

Dear people who run McDonalds,

I can't say enough aboout the McGriddles you make for breakfast. They fucking kick the shit out of the Egg McMuffin. Really. I never really liked that piece of shit lame-ass breakfast thing. In fact, I may go as far a saying I fucking hated the Egg McMuffin. Which is a really strong statement, because I like eggs, and I like muffins. But you guys sure did some fucked up shit to that thing.

Anyways, back to the McGriddles. It's almost genius. OK, so it's like two small pancakes (with the syrup INSIDE!!!), with eggs and cheese and either bacon or sausage sandwiched in between. Fucking A!!! That's fucking beautiful. How the hell did you come up with that? Was one of you eating a big, hearty breakfast and said "Fuck this, I want to eat all of this at once"? So you came up with that bad ass McGriddle. Because, really, it works. It really works.

I must reiterate that I believe you should sell those motherfuckers all goddamn day. You hear me? I'm one of those bastards (and I'm sure there are many others) who can eat pancakes (or any kind of breakfast, except for those fucked up McMuffins) all damn day. If it was, like, 2am, and there was a McDonalds open, I would sure as shit buy one of those bad boys, hands down. I swear to fucking god I would.

So, please, McDonalds people, listen to my plea. And I'm sure I speak for countless others who have been hypnotized by your breakfast treat.

What the fuck is in there? Crack? I'm fucking addicted!

the Kennedy Kabasares

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

An Open Letter
Dear McDonald's,

I think you should sell your McGriddles all day long, and not just for breakfast.

the Kennedy Kabasares
It's in the genes
Ever since my dad retired, he's gone back to his first love, writing columns. Here's an example -->CLICK HERE<--

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Get me to Vulcan, quick!
For some reason I really need a 2-speed drill and a double action saw RIGHT NOW!! -->CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW, FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!<--

Monday, October 27, 2003

Some of the weirdest people
I just came back from a television shoot. I must say (and I'm trying not to make generalizations), that extras are the weirdest people. Why do the weird ones come up and talk to me?

So I was standing around, for them to call me to the soundstage, when an extra came up to me and asked "Do you watch Hong Kong movies?" I said "No." Then she asked "Were you born in America?" I lied and said yes. Then she proceeded to talk about Hong Kong movies. What the hell is that? Just because I'm Asian you think I watch Hong Kong movies? What pissed me off more was that SHE WAS ASIAN TOO! Anyways, I was doing my best to not have a conversation with her, and then she says "Are you Pilipino?" I said "Yes." Then she says "Do you watch Pilipino movies? They're bloody awful." Whatever, lady, you suck. I was not talking with you, and I was not asking your opinion. Yet, since I just happened to be standing there, I became your conversation buddy.

OK, so next, I did my scene. After I was done, I was walking back to the dressing room, and another extra just happened to be walking next to me. He was a big guy, about my age, but he had this little kid attitude, like I had the answers to everything. I was flattered, but really, I don't have the answers to anything. But as we walked the LONG WALK from the soundstage to the dressing area, he spoke nonstop to me. "How long have you been doing this? Is it fun? I want to get into stunt work. I think I would be good at it." And on and on and on and on. He wasn't annoying, really. In fact, I found him a bit endearing. But it was just that he KEPT ON TALKING. Again, I didn't say much. I tried, but HE KEPT TALKING.

Oh, and by the way, an older, fading megastar from the 70's/80's was on the set for the same show. She looked kind of schlubb-y. And all I could think while I looked at her was "I wonder if she's drunk?"

Friday, October 24, 2003

Paper jams are the most suck ass things in the universe!!! Wait, poverty and world hunger suck more. Ok. Well, paper jams are pretty high up there.
Europe anyone?
I said "Hey, flights to Berlin are really cheap right now."
She replied "Yes! Let's go to Germany for the weekend and go bowling!"

Hell yes. That's my kind of girl.

Too bad we're just friends.

Monday, October 20, 2003

The hotter the weather, the less women wear.

Thank you, God.

Pon Farr.
I do important research...
...and found THIS

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Damn. The Pon Farr is really working me.

Friday, October 17, 2003

Living on the edge
I just came back from Dodger Stadium to pick up some donation items for work. I wanted so much to yell "GO GIANTS" as I left, but I didn't want to get shot in the parking lot.
I soooo love this song, and not in an ironic, mocking way. I really love this song. So shut up.

Jackson Browne

Well, just - a look at that girl with the lights comin' up in her eyes.
She's got to be somebody's baby.
She must be somebody's baby.
All the guys on the corner stand back and let her walk on by.
She's got to be somebody's baby.
She must be somebody's baby.
She's got to be somebody's baby.
She's so fine.
She's probably somebody's only light.
Gonna shine tonight.
Yeah, she's probably somebody's baby, all right.

I heard her talkin' with her friend when she thought nobody else was around.
She said she's got to be somebody's baby; she must be somebody's baby.
'Cause when the cars and the signs and the street lights light up the town,
She's got to be somebody's baby;
She must be somebody's baby;
She's got to be somebody's baby.
She's so....
She's gonna be somebody's only light.
Gonna shine tonight.
Yeah, she's gonna be somebody's baby tonight.

I try to shut eyes, but I can't get here outta my sight.
I know I'm gonna know her, but I gotta get over my fright.
We'll, I'm just gonna walk up to her.
I'm gonna talk to her tonight.
Yeah, she's gonna be somebody's only light.
Gonna shine tonight.
Yeah, she's gonna be somebody's baby tonight.
Gonna shine tonight, make her mine tonight.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

OK. Here is a mock example of an IM with my brother...

me: (1:00:00pm)Hey.
bro: (1:00:30pm)Hey.
bro: (1:00:45pm)How are you?
bro: (1:00:47pm) Hello?
bro: (1:00:49pm) Hello hello? Are you still there?
bro: (1:00:53pm) HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!!
me: (1:01:30pm) I'm fine.

If you are ever IM-ing with my brother, apparently you have to answer his AS SOON AS TEMPORALLY POSSIBLE, or else he thinks you've been killed by a boulder, eaten by a shark, taken hostage by some splinter group, or abducted by aliens.

Just remember that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

This is wrong
I think I'm getting addicted to craigslist missed connections.

Monday, October 13, 2003

So I had an incredibly full weekend. Not painful, just full, and tiring, and it got me physically stressed out and the stye on my eyelid came back. But that's OK because now I am calm and it is receding. Regardless, all the things I did were very fun, but it was just tiring.

My Saturday started at 1am. Yeah. So here goes:
SATURDAY - 1 to 3am: hosted the radio show. Then I had to rush home to sleep as much as I could.
9am - 2pm: Short video shoot.
2pm - 6pm: rehearsal for a Shakespeare reading.
7pm - 10pm: recording with zero 3. I thought i was going to be done, but Traci had to host an event on Sunset that evening, and I guess she didn't want to go there alone, so I went with her. Got home at around 2:30am.

SUNDAY - Had to be at ANOTHER video shoot (a different one) at 11am, then worked from noon til 6pm.

And that was it. But it was very full and I was very sleepy by the end of Sunday. But it was fun. The end. Oh, and the stye is gone. The end again.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

OK, so NATO went through an exercise yesterday. Here's what Reuters had to say:

"The exercise was held at the U.S. military's Joint National Integration Center, a high-tech missile defense and space warfare facility 10 miles east of Colorado Springs.

The high-tech war-gaming base is so secret that the military refuses to post photographs of it on the Internet.

Yeah. A top-secret base that we know is 10 MILES EAST OF COLORADO SPRINGS. We don't have any pictures of it, but we know WHERE IT IS.

Friday, October 03, 2003

The pon farr is back.