Thursday, September 16, 2004

Pon Farr invades my websurfing

I must apologize ahead of time, but I am experiencing pon farr. I'm also anticipating the upcoming election, therfore I like this site. A lot. By the way, I have taken the pledge.

And, thanks to my friend's website, I have found this innocent, yet pon farr-ish-ly titled poem, which, on its own, is an innocent little ditty, but through the pon farr filter, it can drive one crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice site, indeed. Why conform to a two-party system when you could engage a threeway system with more panache?

Kennedy, I will hereon call you William Katt -- you are destined to be THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO.

Does Little Pussy have a Big sister?

- M.S. Moronicus