Thursday, September 05, 2002

I wake up this morning, kinda slowly, and as I'm opening my eyes, my first thoughts are "wow, what a huge tent. Who's tent is this?" Then I slowly realize I'm in a bed, and there's no way I could have brought my bed out camping, and I realize that daylight is coming in through windows, not tent flaps, and I finally realize that I'm in my apartment, and not a huge, kick-ass mansion of a tent. In other words, Burning Man has not left me completely. Not yet.

And for those who are wondering, no I did not consume mass quantities of drugs at the festival (the heaviest drug I took was a large tequilla shot). No, I did not get laid on an hourly basis (although there was a great risk of running over people having sex in the desert in the middle of the night if your bike didn't have a light. Wouldn't that just suck? Getting run over by a bike while having sex?).

I'm already formulating ideas for a play for my playwriting class. It has to do with being reclusive, and levitation. I think it can work.

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