Saturday, May 11, 2002

It may seem like my postings are going to be daily, but believe me, they're not. I'm not really a consistent writer. Really, I'm not kidding. It just so happens that this week I felt like writing almost every day. So don't get all antsy waiting for the next post, okay?

So, aaaaaaaaaaaany-hoo, yesterday I got notice from the manager that my rent check bounced.

Say what?


Wow, that's what I thought you said, but I wasn't sure, so I just...

Okay, get the point. I was surprised, too. Well, kida surprised. My Morning Job™ is notoriously late giving me my paychecks. It's a freelance job, so they cut a check for me. My Afternoon Job™ is pretty much on the mark with the checks, bless 'em.

Anyways, I was about $30 short, so it bounced. This has never happened to me (wait, no, I take that back, it happened to me once about five years ago, but the lease was under my roommate's name, so he was cool with it...I just wrote him another check when the money came). So I was kinda agitated. What with work being all busy now.

Well, I went to rehearsal last night, and rehearsals always take my mind off of everything. i get to concentrate and focus with what's going on in the moment. By the way, our show is shaping up, and I'm excited about it. Just hope we can fill the house. We got a special guest each night.

Well, back to the rent check thing...luckily, I got a check for my commercial this week (I still haven't seen the damn thing, but t says she's seen it), so I had enough to take care of the rent plus the late fee and the bounced check fee. I hope they don't hate me. This is the first time this has happened in the year that I've lived here.

*Just a note...for those of you who think "Wow, commercial...isn't that, like a TON of money?" Sometimes. But right now, no. This check was a "holding fee," which was not very big. Plus, take away about 25% for taxes, 10%(of the gross) for my agent, and 15%(of the gross) for my manager, and I'm left with...hmmm...let's see...[tapping on calculator]...ah-hah! According to my calculations, I get shit!

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