Tuesday, May 14, 2002

No, really, this isn't going to be a daily thing. I swear. I just know that in a few weeks I'm going to stop posting for days on end and wonder when I'll post next. Actually, I may stop soon, because it's getting really busy with work, and with a show coming up, I may not be posting every day. No, really, it's going to be like that, trust me. Just you watch. The next post won't be until September or something. I mean it. Really. Take that smirk off your face.

So last night I had rehearsal with zero 3. Man, I'm really excited about our upcoming weekend show. 2 nights. There is nothing as satisfying as performing something you wrote. And we do that constantly. It feels great, and I guess it's lucky that we get so many chances to write and perform our stuff. There aren't 2 other people I'd rather work/write/perform with. They make me want to become a better writer. I love those two, and I say that with all sincerity. They're not only my writing/performing partners, they are my friends, confidants and trusted travelers on this artistic/personal journey we started in February 2000. zero 3 is still growing. We have experienced growing pains, and the last couple of months have been extremely trying for us, yet we believe in what we are doing, and we move forward despite the setbacks.

On a different note, it's supposed to be cooler today. I dunno. It was pretty hot at 10am. But despite my complaints, I dig weather extremes. I love really hot, really cold, or really rainy. I just never know how to dress. I think with the exception of snow, I never know how do dress for the weather. I guess layering would be the wisest, but most of the time I don't drive, so I don't have room to store extra clothing.

On an even different-er note, I wonder how that "Dinotopia" mini-series is doing?

On a similarly related note, I was watching TV the other day (look, I RARELY watch TV...I turn it on LATE AT NIGHT when I get back home, hoping to catch the late news reruns), and I've come to the conclusion that I hate shows like Extra or Entertainment Tonight. Much like the World's Greatest Commercials, I think it's stupid to have a TV show about TV shows.

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