Friday, June 28, 2002

This is a fun site. You can create and send a flash animation movie to your friends.

On another note...I'm supposed to be at the Morning Job™ at 10am, but I usually get in at 10:30 because I have a bitch of a time getting up. Anyways, my Morning Job™ boss calls me at 9am to remind me to bring something. I'm one of those people who answer the phone very energetic and peppy, no matter what time. So the phone call woke me up, but I answered as if I'd been up for an hour or so. I hang up, and go back to sleep for another 40 minutes (it makes a difference, it really does).

So here I am, at the Morning Job™. I did one job related thing. Now I'm surfing the web again. I think I'm going to submit a slogan to a t-shirt company.

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